I've downloaded the October issue of MacSense Magazine from a local BBS in Italy. I like it very much–where is it possible to find it on eWorld? -Stefano Stefani, via eWorld
I really loved your magazine. Where can I find back issues? -Marc Rice, via eWorld
Scott Love, an editor with ZiffNet/Mac, has kindly volunteered to distribute MacSense on eWorld. You can find back issues in eWorld’s ZiffNet/Mac section, in the following path: Software Center/Software Central/Electronic Publications/Additional Publications. -Ed.
MacSense Mailing List?
I've just downloaded your latest edition - very nice quality product. Do you have an e-zine subscription mailing list? If so, I'd like to be added to it. If you don't have a mailing list, please consider it. I subscribe to a couple of other e-zines on eWorld, and it's nice to receive the publication, without having to remember who's publication comes out when. If you don't have a mailing list, please advise when new issues are released. -name withheld by request, via eWorld
Consider it done. Check the previous chapter (Editor’s Note) for details. -Ed.
eWorld Rates Correction
As a Canadian Macintosh user who must daily use an online service, I was anxious to here of eWorld’s debut in Canada. I had been using America Online, but was frustrated by telecommunication surcharges and 2400-baud access. I was under the assumption that eWorld had no such extra expense for Canadian users–until I read your magazine, which indicated eWorld would carry a pricey surcharge! I promptly called Apple to verify your story, and they assured me that eWorld carried NO telecommunication surcharges for Canadian access. Please inform your Canadian readers of this, because eWorld is great! -Stacy Long, Winnipeg Manitoba, via Internet.
Thank you to all those readers who brought this to our attention. Upon discovering our error, we immediately pulled the issue from distribution and corrected our article. The source of our confusion on the issue concerned this statement in Apple’s eWorld Press release: “Access from outside the US carries a $7.95 per hour surcharge (24 hours/day), but no business hour surcharge.” We mistakenly assumed Canada was outside the US! We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused - Ed.
Attention: Christmas Shoppers!
For our next issue, MacSense is putting together a Christmas gift-giving guide. Let us know what you would most like to get for Christmas, and what you feel is the perfect gift for the die-hard Mac user in your life. We’ll take the results of our informal poll and incorporate them into our gift-giving guide. Send your Christmas List to the address listed below, and title your message “Gift Giving Ideas.”
We'd like to hear from you. If you'd like to comment on anything you've read in MacSense, please send us e-mail at MacSenseEd.@eWorld.com. (If you're an eWorld subscriber send your letters to MacSense Ed.) We reserve the right to edit letters for length and clarity.